PinnedAli Alzahrani, Ph.DinbeingAnnouncement 📢When Professional Expertise meets with Creativity.Jul 2446Jul 2446
Ali Alzahrani, Ph.DinbeingThe Humans’ Tricky ThoughtsUnderstanding the Illusions of Mental Contamination and Cognitive Biases5d ago75d ago7
Ali Alzahrani, Ph.DinbeingDo You Have Childhood Trauma? Check This Simple Quiz!The Lasting Impact of Early TraumaSep 255Sep 255
Ali Alzahrani, Ph.DinbeingThere’s a Bluebird in My Heart That Wants to Fly OutLife and the art of letting go.Sep 147Sep 147
Ali Alzahrani, Ph.DinbeingMake Comfort Zone Your Most Productive ZoneComfort Zone: A Powerful Tool for Happiness, Productivity, and Personal GrowthSep 126Sep 126
Ali Alzahrani, Ph.DinbeingWe share a lot of personal details.Consequences of oversharing on personal identity, social relationships, and emotional well-being.Sep 116Sep 116